Services and Capabilities
Botanical and Wetland Resources
Great Basin sagebrush scrub
EcoSystems West's botanists are widely known in the botanical community for their in-depth, field-based knowledge of the flora, plant communities, and plant ecology of California and the western United States. Our botanical personnel have many years of experience in conducting botanical surveys for both private and public sector clients. We have successfully conducted botanical surveys ranging in size from less than an acre to thousands of acres. We have extensive knowledge of the special-status plant species, sensitive habitats, and noxious weeds throughout the western region. While we have conducted many surveys in urban and semi-rural settings, we are also experienced in surveying remote areas where strong navigational and backcountry skills are required.
EcoSystems West botanists are familiar with current standard plant community classification systems and are adept at plant identification, plant community characterization, quantitative vegetation sampling methods, and mapping of plant populations and plant communities. Our technical skills include aerial photo interpretation and use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. Our botanical staff is also familiar with the procedures for delineating potential U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional wetlands. Further, we are experienced in analyzing potential impacts of proposed project actions and in developing effective, and cost-effective, mitigation measures.
California pitcherplant
In addition to our field surveying and data analysis skills, our botanical staff are thoroughly familiar with federal and state laws and regulations affecting special-status plants as well as wetlands and other sensitive habitats, including the federal Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland regulations, the California Coastal Act the California Environmental Quality Act, the California Endangered Species Act, and the California Native Plant Protection Act. Our botanists have a solid reputation with regulatory agency personnel for the quality of our botanical survey work, which gives our work high credibility during the environmental review and regulatory process.
Wildlife Resources
California red-legged frog
EcoSystems West's wildlife biologists possess in-depth first-hand knowledge of wildlife resources of California and the western states. Our proven understanding of wildlife species and their habitat requirements allows us to serve a diverse client base, from linear utility and public works projects to park management plans. Our wildlife team has met a variety of project-specific requirements on an array of projects types and scales, including baseline studies and species inventories, threatened and endangered species surveys, population monitoring, wildlife management planning, biological assessments, impact and mitigation assessment, and environmental monitoring.
EcoSystems West wildlife biologists perform habitat assessment and wildlife surveys throughout the geographic range of western ecosystems. Our wildlife team develops accurate habitat characterizations based on input from our botanical team and microhabitat evaluation, to determine habitat suitability for common and special-status wildlife species. Following our preliminary assessment, we conduct reconnaissance and focused-level surveys for target species. Further, EcoSystems West wildlife biologists are proficient with protocol surveys, and have designed and conducted surveys to meet required levels of effort for a variety of species. EcoSystems West performs impact and mitigation assessment for wildlife species and provides a range of environmental monitoring services. Our team possesses all the necessary skills to produce accurate scientific data that is accountable to agency scrutiny. We are familiar with radiotelemetry, GPS/Global Information System technology, small mammal trapping, night surveys methods, as well as a number of methods for bat detection, identification and roost site determination.
California burrowing owl
Our wildlife biologists perform field surveys and studies in compliance with all state and federal regulatory laws protecting wildlife resources. State and federal agencies have authorized our wildlife staff to handle the California red-legged frog, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and other sensitive amphibians and reptiles for numerous projects. Our team is skilled in conducting avian surveys for sensitive raptors such as the western burrowing owl and Swainson's hawk, and songbirds such as willow flycatcher and yellow warbler. We also perform surveys for common and special-status bat species. EcoSystems West's wildlife department has extensive experience conducting surveys for species endemic to particular geographic areas, such as the San Joaquin Valley, where we have surveyed for the San Joaquin kit fox, giant kangaroo rat, and San Joaquin antelope ground squirrel.
big brown bat
EcoSystems West offers a range of natural resource management and biotic assessment services. From baseline studies to impact analysis, we employ state of the art knowledge of literature and database records, current technologies, and project management expertise to provide clients with a superior product. Our biologists work together with our clients and regulatory agencies to design and implement management and mitigation plans that satisfy regulatory requirements and client needs, while promoting the integrity of native habitats.
Environmental Compliance Management and Biological Monitoring
EcoSystems West combines their knowledge of botanical and wildlife resources and field experience with large and small-scale construction projects. Our team provides guidance for project-related mitigation measures on a variety of projects, including linear utility projects, infill sites, bridge retrofits, cell tower installations, public works projects, and private housing developments. We understand the complexity of environmental protection measures and work in conjunction with engineering and construction management teams to strategize and devise effective ways to implement these measures. We also exchange ideas and information with agency representatives to develop practicable ways to ensure regulatory compliance.
construction monitoring
EcoSystems West's team is skilled in providing environmental inspection, environmental trainings, construction monitoring and other biological monitoring services. We provide environmental trainings to a variety of audiences including construction managers, engineers, laborers, and regulatory staff. These trainings summarize descriptions of sensitive plant and animal resources that may be of concern as well as environmental compliance measures and procedures required from project-related permits and documents. Along with our quality environmental/construction inspection and biological monitoring services, these trainings assure timely project completion for projects of all scales without compromising state and federal regulatory requirements.
The environmental review process is complex, subject to rapidly changing laws, rules and regulations and affected by conflicting agency jurisdictions. Our personnel are committed to staying abreast of these evolving regulatory issues and requirements for public utilities, private industry, and state and federal agencies. Our scientific objectivity is highly respected, both by our clients and by federal, state, and local regulators. Our strong reputation with the regulatory agencies enables us to develop feasible recommendations for our clients. As a result, EcoSystems West scientists are a result-oriented group that resolves project-related environmental concerns and facilitates effective licensing and permitting, environmental documentation, and compliance monitoring.
wetland delineation
EcoSystems West's natural resource team is thoroughly trained and experienced in meeting regulatory standards and requirements for public documentation. We assist our clients in ensuring that their projects are in full compliance with the technical, procedural, and legal requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, Federal Clean Water Act, and other federal, state, and local environmental laws, regulations, and guidelines. Our personnel are experienced in working with a wide range of federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the California Department of Fish and Game.